Earlier this week we told you about Pen ('Adventure Time' creator Pendleton Ward) making Forbes Magazine’s “30 Under 30” list, and now USA Today’s gone ahead and ranked him #12 on their Pop Candy’s 100 People of 2011… sandwiched between Kevin Smith and Carrie Brownstein. Included in Whitney Matheson’s latest chat with Pen are Q&As like this one:
I loved the gender-switching episode you did.
We’re thinking about doing another “Fionna and Cake” episode that focuses more on Marshall Lee, who is the Marceline of the Fionna and Cake world.
вкратце, можно ожидать еще одну гендерсвитч серию, где много времени уделят персонажу Маршалу Ли :D
I loved the gender-switching episode you did.
We’re thinking about doing another “Fionna and Cake” episode that focuses more on Marshall Lee, who is the Marceline of the Fionna and Cake world.
вкратце, можно ожидать еще одну гендерсвитч серию, где много времени уделят персонажу Маршалу Ли :D
ждем-ждем ♥